Easter basket Ideas!

My parents were always great about making easter less about the treats and usually gifted us sports equipment or outdoor games we could play.  I always looked forward to this because it was like a sign that winter was legitimately over (fingers crossed!) and we could start using our outside toys again.

I haven’t really put much thought into it the last few years with my own kids and I usually end up grabbing some last-minute junk or candy from the dollar store for easter baskets, but this year I decided to be prepared. I prefer anything that will come to my door since shopping for discreet gifts with kids in tow is quite difficult so I went to Amazon for my search and found some really great items for all ages.  I ordered these Pop-it purses for my girls, Shh, (They’re going to love them! ), and a couple of Christian easter books to help them remember the true reason we are celebrating.

| 1. Raincoat | 2. Smiley Hat | 3. Wheely Car | 4. Kids Camera | 5. Gel Pens | 6. Mind Puzzle Pack | 7. Walkie Talkies | 8. Tamagochi | 9. Boys Shorts | 10. Rainbow Swimsuit | 11. Daisy Sunglasses | 12. Umbrella | 13. Badminton Set | 14. Skipping Rope | 15. Bible Book | 16. Berenstain Bears Easter Book | 17. Pop-it Purse | 18. Bocce Ball Set | 19. Outdoor Sports Set |



Hoppy Shopping! 😉