How to beat the winter blues from inside your home

Winter is long and cold here—there’s really no way around it.  I usually do pretty good until Christmas; then, January rolls around, and I start itching for spring.

The cold, frosty scenery can be pretty sometimes, but after a while, it can get quite depressing.  Since most of our time is spent indoors due to extreme temperatures and less daylight, our home environment plays a significant role in our mental well-being and overall mood.

Here are my top tips for beating those winter blues from the comfort of your own home!


1. Fresh Flowers or plants

I personally prefer house plants over flowers, however, either one is perfect for bringing that outdoor life into your home.  Caring for plants helps me get my “gardening fix” when everything is dead outside, and flowers brighten my spirits by just looking at them.  Another bonus about plants is that they can help improve your indoor air quality.

2. Diffuse Essential Oils

Aromatherapy can play a large part in uplifting your winter blues. It gives you a burst of happiness and brings calmness to a stressful day; in other words, it can make you feel better, almost instantly.  My favorites to diffuse are Lavender, Lemon, or other citrus scents.  I also love diffusing Pine or other earthy scents that help me feel calm and connected with nature.

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3. Add a pop of color

Color has the ability to instantly change our mood and impact our emotions.  You can add some color to your home by changing up the covers on your throw pillows, adding some fresh/faux flowers to an end table, or even painting something like a small piece of furniture.  If you’re feeling really ambitious, you could go big and paint a whole wall! After all, it’s only paint; if you get tired of it, just paint it again!

4. Rearrange your furniture

Sometimes all it takes is a new layout to refresh your spirits and change the feel of a room altogether.  You could change up your whole room layout or just make a small shift and switch out some of your artwork.

5. Purge your closets

I’ve never really done “spring cleaning”, but I usually do a big cleanout in the winter.  Go through your closets and cupboards and donate all the items that you haven’t used in a while or that you no longer need.  There’s something about getting rid of extra stuff that just feels so good for the soul!

So, there you go! My tips for beating the winter blues.  I hope you have a great weekend; and, if it’s cold where you are, then spend some time indoors refreshing your home!